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Moburst makes major effort and invests significant resources in order to provide all customers with fair, respectful, accessible and professional service. Pursuant to the Law for Equal Rights for Disabled Persons 5758 - 1998 and the regulations enacted thereof, much effort and resources are invested in the performance of the requisite accessibility adjustments that will enable a person with a disability to receive the services provided to all customers, in an independent and fair manner.
An accessible website is a website that enables persons with disabilities or the elderly to surf with the same level of efficiency and satisfaction as all visitors, as 20 to 25 percent of the population have difficulty in using websites and could benefit from more accessible internet content, this according to research conducted in the 2003 year by the Microsoft Corporation.
The Moburst Company believes in and works toward equal opportunity in the Internet sphere for persons with various disabilities and persons who use aiding technology when using a computer.
Examination and Advise Regarding Accessibility was Executed by the A2Z Accessibility and Marketing Company \
One should note that we continue in our efforts to improve the Company’s accessibility as part of our obligation to enable the entire population including persons with disabilities to obtain the most accessible service.
In the event that you are confronted with a problem or failure of any kind regarding accessibility, we would be pleased if you would inform us of this and we will make every effort to find a suitable solution and fix the problem inasmuch as this is possible.
Details of the Moburst Ltd. Accessibility Coordinator
The Accessibility Declaration was updated on the: 14th September 2022