Goodbye My AdWords, Goodbye My Friend

Orad Eldar
Orad Eldar 09 July 2018
Goodbye My AdWords, Goodbye My Friend

Never a dull moment with Google, is there? The data giant announced lately that it is re-branding its advertising products. No more Google AdWords, say hello Mr. Google ads!

Who are you, Mr. Google Ads?

What is behind Google’s dramatic announcement? The change is much more than just a semantic change of name; this is a change in Google’s perception of the world of digital marketing in 2018: it’s not just search ads, text ads or keywords – Google now focuses on targeting audiences like Affinity, In Market and even Life Events, and on strengthening other platforms such as display ads and video ads on YouTube. When looking into the processes that Google is undergoing, and the change of focus its making in its advertising products, the name change takes a broader scope. It’s not about the words anymore, but about the persona. The user.

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You

Apart for the name that will change, no dramatic changes are expected in the Google AdWords interface. We’ll still be able to set up and manage search, display, UAC and YouTube campaigns just as we were before. In addition, The DoubleClick brand and Google Analytics 360 Suite are being retired and merged into the Google Marketing Platform. This change will allow marketers to analyze results better than before, as well as create and activate audiences easily. Google saw that it is better for advertisers to integrate the analytics with one unified media platform, and it is generating better results. Therefore, we now have one platform for the two products. To add to the pot, Google Data Studio and Tag Manager 360 are also part of the Google Marketing Platform, as well as other marketing solutions. Last but not least, DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) and DoubleClick Ad Exchange (AdX) will be from now on under the same roof, with the new Google Ad Manager. The new ad manager will house new programmatic solutions, like Optimized Competition that help advertisers maximize results across auctions.

A Whole New World?

So, we know by now that this is more than just a cosmetic change of the name, and represents something bigger and rather fundamental in Google’s view of the advertising world. This of course is not completely new, as this has been going on for the last several years. Only time will tell how much it will affect our daily work with Google. Meanwhile, we will wait to see the new changes taking place starting in mid-July and through the next few months.

Orad Eldar
Orad Eldar
Orad is Moburst's Social Team Leader. She specializes in the management of high scale mobile campaigns within Google Adwords, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Apple Search Ads.
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