With iOS 12 hitting mobile devices globally this past September, iPhone users started seeing small changes, and experiencing an improved performance. For mobile marketers, any major change such as this means a fresh look at the setup required, to ensure that everything is completely optimized and primed to take advantage of the changes. Nowhere is this more critical, than when it comes to the App Store.
iOS 12: A Primer
iOS 12 was first announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference on June 4 2018, and was released to the public on September 17. Apple have designed iOS 12 to “make your iPhone and iPad experience even faster, more responsive, and more delightful”. Obvious changes are minimal, and the look and feel of the operating system are very much in line with iOS 11, meaning that most of the big changes happened “under the hood” – specifically with regards to battery performance, speed, and optimization for heavy loads. This also means some big changes for mobile marketers. We’ll look at 3 key areas that can be optimized in order to get the most out of the new operating system’s App Store.
Express It With An Emoji
Finally, emoji’s can be used in app descriptions. With millenials voting that they connect better with GIFs and emoji’s than plain old English, this is a really big deal. Whether it’s a pizza slice in a delivery app, or a fist in the air for a new game, one emoji can pack the punch of a whole bunch of words. We use them in everyday texting, and even big brands are getting in on the action. It’s time your App Store description included some emoji love, too! (I’ll to that!)
Get Detailed About Updates
“Bug fixes”. That catch-all term is so beloved by app developers, and so misunderstood by everyone else. This boilerplate language had come to be synonymous with any and all app updates and new releases – until now. Apple have pulled up their socks, and now require updates and new releases to detail exactly what they changed, with “bug fixes” no longer cutting it. Apple wants app providers to actually tell users what’s new, what’s changed, and where to find it. While initially seen as an onerous obligation, this is in fact a golden opportunity. This section of the app description has traditionally been “dead space”, and now app providers are being encouraged to use it to actually connect with users, inform them, and further engage with them. So don’t stop at the minimum; tell users exactly what they’re getting, where to find it, and even why you made the change. They’ll appreciate it, and you’ll see the love in terms of increased engagement and retention.
Landscape vs Portrait
Now you can use landscape instead of portrait for your screenshots, and even landscape video. This gives you the opportunity to re-think your graphical assets, and fully optimize for iOS 12. The great opportunity of landscape assets is that you can make a big statement with one key message. This is of course possible with portrait images, however having everything together in one cohesive image makes a big difference. In a similar vein, landscape video lets you really show off the full extent of your app in one visually appealing and more immersive experience.
Don’t Get Left Behind
It’s constantly proven that when it comes to mobile, those who are always innovating and optimizing are the ones that get ahead. Failing to keep up with changes – in this case the exciting potential of iOS 12 – could mean a downward spiral of underwhelming performances. To take full advantage of these, and other iOS 12 opportunities, get in touch with us. As mobile experts and leaders in the field, we’ll help you leverage iOS 12 to reach your business goals!